Tuesday, May 10, 2011

From Well to Hell

I can barely keep track of all that went down on the UES. It was like an avalanche of drama. Unfortunately, now we’re left dealing with the aftermath. And it’s really messy.
Blair was determined to make it up to Louis’ mother, Princess Sophie, for the unfortunate incident at the embassy party. You know, the one where Chuck showed up loaded and caused a scene? Well, now it looked like Blair had a lot of kissing up to do. Blair assured Louis’ mother that the Chuck problem was just a little blip. Those two were 100% over. Never talking again. Scout’s honor! Though, unbeknownst to Blair, Princess Sophie had had her followed. And where was the first place B had gone to after Louis proposed? Why, to Chuck’s. Princess Sophie thought that was an abomination. Here Louis was giving up his accession rights to be with Blair yet Blair was not giving up any of her old habits to be with Louis… Uh oh, B. You’re in trouble.
Things only got worse when Blair spotted, are you sitting down?, Jack Bass on the UES. WTF was he doing back in town?! Luckily, I have the inside dish: Raina called him! She filled Jack in on how her mother was killed in the Kinberg building fire (that Bart started!) and explained she wanted revenge. It was time that motherchucker went down. Of course, Uncle Jack couldn’t resist a Chuck Bass takedown so he was onboard. Wow, family dysfunction to the max. Jack met with Russell to see what they could do to destroy Chuck. Jack said there was only one thing his nephew actually cared about: losing Blair. Hmm. Jack told Russell that it seemed like Chuck was on the edge as is, perhaps all he needed was a push. Eek. Watch your back, Chuck!
So anyway, the minute Blair spotted Jack there was only one place she could go: back to see Chuck. But this time in Brooklyn. No, that’s not a typo. Chuck Bass had decided to open a new hotel in the 718. I know, how un-Chuck Bass like. Guess you gotta take risks in business or something? Blair informed Chuck of what she saw. Jack Bass was here in NYC. But that was all she had to say to Chuck. As for everything else between them, there was nothing more to discuss. However, it was too bad for B because Louis followed her to Brooklyn. Ack! It was one thing to hear his mother tell him about Blair sneaking off to be with Chuck but it was another to see it with his own eyes. So Louis went to talk to Chuck. He told him to stop pursuing his fiancé. Just leave them alone already. But Chuck was Chuck and didn’t succumb to Louis’ threats. Chuck said that Blair was nothing without her secrets. If Louis were to marry Blair, he’d have a lifetime of doubting her. Yikes!
After Louis left, Jack showed up to see Chuck. And well, that had trouble written all over it, obvi. Chuck was kind of drunk and the two ended up fighting about the past. Chuck even punched his uncle! Then Nate arrived, wanting to help Chuck, but it seemed like C was beyond help. Which is when orderlies showed up, ready to take Chuck to rehab. OMFG! Chuck Bass in rehab?!
Meanwhile, Dan and Charlie were spending a whole lot of time together. And this time, together included kissing. Scandalous, I know. Dan even invited her to Blair’s engagement party (that Eleanor and Cyrus were throwing) as well as the Constance/St Jude’s alumni gala. Um, does that make things official? I’m not quite sure. Charlie was really worried about this big night out with Dan. She had nothing to wear and no money to buy a new dress! But that’s when her fairy god-cousin Serena stepped in. As CeCe’s granddaughter, there was a trust fund for all the Rhodes grandchildren. Perhaps they needed to call CeCe and get Charlie’s trust checkbook. She was an adult now, right? Though Charlie was being pretty irresponsible when it came to taking her meds aka she wasn’t taking them at all. And Rufus was a bit worried. Aunt Carol had cautioned about the side effects of skipping her prescription. So Rufus got her a refill. What a good uncle! But instead of popping the pills, Charlie dumped them. In the trash. AH!
At Blair’s engagement party, Cyrus and Eleanor were ready to impress Princess Sophie. Fortunately, Cyrus is a schmoozer and had a shared interest with Louis’ mom: they both studied birds. Boring, yes. But a good common ground! And of course, Cyrus was able to win over Sophie. What a mensch! Perhaps Sophie was wrong about Blair. Maybe there was something she could do to reinstate Louis after all. AHHHHH!!! A little Cyrus charm and Blair and Louis could make their very first royal appearance together at the Constance/St. Jude’s alumna gala. OMG Blair’s totally in!! But when Louis showed up, he did not seem happy. He needed to talk to Blair. Alone. He knew about her seeing Chuck. Both times. What the hell was up? Blair told him the reason she didn’t tell him the truth was because she thought he’d think more of it than it really was. Which was nothing. The thing was that Blair has her own dark side. One she’s afraid to show Louis. But it seemed like Louis didn’t care. He wanted to see all parts of Blair. Even the ones she’s ashamed of. He told her if she’s not ready to share her whole life with him then they shouldn’t go to the gala later. He would go and wait for her. If she didn’t show up then he’d know her answer. OMG what will B do? Dying!
Serena also showed up at the engagement party. She wasn’t going to go since she and Blair were fighting but Rufus urged her to attend. And luckily for her, she and B quickly made up. Phew! But Serena was in for a huge surprise when Charlie arrived. Charlie was dressed almost identical to how Serena looked at her cotillion ball three years ago. Same dress, same hair, same everything! Serena was alarmed. This was freaky. What was Charlie doing? Why was she wearing her dress? WTH? Charlie argued that it wasn’t Serena’s dress. It might have looked like it but it definitely wasn’t the same. Serena grew more annoyed and demanded to see the tag! There was no way that wasn’t from her closet. Dan stepped in. Serena was going overboard and acting crazy. Leave Charlie alone. And with that Dan left with Charlie on his arm. Talk about where your loyalty lies, geez.
Dan and Charlie headed straight to the Constance/St. Jude’s gala. And even ran into some old faves. Like Kati and Is! Blast from the freaking past. Dan thought nothing had changed for him. Here he was, two years older, and still an outsider. Oh well. But Charlie decided Dan had to live a little. Do something dangerous and make some new high school memories. So the two of them snuck into Headmistress Queller’s office and started fooling around. It got hotttt, if I do say so myself. But then things got uber weird when Charile told Dan to call her, OMG, Serena. HOLD UP! Dan was totally taken aback (as he should be) and said they needed to stop. GAH WTF?
With Charlie acting totally weird, Serena finally decided to listen to Vanessa. Vanessa had called her wanting to discuss this little cousin of hers. After what had happened with Charlie lying to Dan about Vanessa trying to sabotage Rufus’ dinner, Vanessa had a sneaking suspicion this Charlie was trouble. And when Vanessa arrived to talk to S, Rufus showed them both Charlie’s empty pill bottle he found. Then he let them both in on the info about Charlie’s meds. Last time she went off them, things ended very badly. Oh god, scared!
You’re probably wondering about Chuck’s rehab stint. Well, that ended up being a total sham. As it just so happened, the Chuck intervention was just for show. Whaaat? Chuck, Jack and Nate were all working together. Wow! As much as Jack liked to screw with his nephew, he didn’t like being used to mess with him. Especially considering it seemed like Russell had an ulterior motive to his madness. He was dead-set on getting the tape with the footage of the Kinberg fire from Chuck’s suite. Which didn’t make much sense. Because all the tape proved was that Bart was guilty and well, you can’t send a dead man to jail. So of course that wasn’t the real reason Russell wanted it. The real reason was because it showed Russell locking up the building. After Bart had already left. Which meant that Russell started the fire, not Bart. WHOA! Russell said he thought Bart was in the building. Not his wife. And that letter Andrew Tyler had found was actually from Avery to Russell. She was dumping his ass for Bass. Ouch. Russell pleaded with Chuck, Jack and Nate not to tell Raina the truth. Chuck could have Thorpe Enterprises. He could have it all. As long as Raina didn’t find out what he had actually done to her mother. Hmm…  But Chuck promised to keep the secret just between them as long as Russell left town for good…
So Jack and Chuck kind of reconciled. Or reconciled as much as those two ever could. Aw? But Raina was still pissed. In her mind Chuck Bass got away with it once again. He needed to pay. Nate tried to defend his BFF but Raina was livid. Chuck’s father killed her mother! Justice still had to be served. And that’s when Nate decided to reveal the truth: Chuck’s dad didn’t killed Raina’s mother. Raina’s father did. Raina was heartbroken. All these years, all these lies. So when she talked to her father she told him she knew the whole story. Russell was as dead to her as her mother was. Eek! Harsh! And of course Russell just assumed Chuck went back on his promise…
Blair arrived at the Constance/St. Jude’s gala. OMG does this mean she wanted Louis and only Louis? Yes! But then she got an emergency phone call. Saying Chuck was on the roof of his new hotel threatening to jump. Blair had to leave ASAP. She spotted Charlie and told her to tell Louis she’d be right back. Keep him there. But guess who also came to the gala? Chuck, duh. He was there to whisk Blair off her feet. But wait, if Chuck was at the gala and not on the roof, who called Blair?!?
When Blair showed up at the hotel, she went to the roof but no one was there. Well, no one until out of the shadows came Russell Thorpe. OMFG!!!!!!!!!
I am literally on the edge of my desk chair. Biting my nails. Practically pulling my hair out. I’m soooooo nervous. Save Blair! Someone! 

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